New start, again
I'm 25 years old this year. Unbelievable. I decided to leave social media (except youtube) for good. There nothing wrong with it, but my mental health been badly affected by it. Sometimes I feel like a psycho, stalker, and narcissist. The worst person in the world. Toxic. Always compare myself with people's lives. Looking at myself, feeling depressed as ever. Thats why I want to make an end to it. I think I have PTSD, i always cry thinking about my brother's presence when he's here. I mourning and cry endlessly, rapid heartbeat, sweating, feeling suicidal. He used to abused me. Mentally, physically. And even want to kick me out of the house. Its acceptable if he want to teach me a lesson before my 20's. Sadly, he did the same in my 20's. I'm not a kid anymore. I feel left out. He kissed other sister but not me. He compared me to others when I unable to give my best. Not just him, my father as well. I feel like I dont deserve anyone's love. I went al